Tuesday, March 7, 2017

While I am still reading Thanks For Being Late (geez, that's a big book), I will recommend this book: Brain Rules

I finished it about 3 weeks ago, and here are some thing that I still remember:
1. take nap... :) I do it everyday
2. exercise
3. stimuli exploded in the brain like watermelon hit the blender. It splashes out randomly, thus everyone is wired differently and think differently.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

I'm currently reading Thank You for Being Late,  Being in Silicon Valley for the past decade, I can honestly say most of the things wrote in the book are right on spot. If you still think the mobile phones and the apps are gadgets for techies, you will need to read this book and be prepared.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Curious about the 40%, I started reading Hillbilly Elegy 4 weeks ago. About 1/3 into it, I realized that it's DJT's problem now~ So I happily dropped it and finished Undoing Project and Don't Think Of An Elephant instead... my short intermittent life as conservative...:) Anyways, you can find it here 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

I love books, but the physical presence can be too much for a small single family home. Then comes Kindle, it's like a dream come true. Before I know it, I have purchased 400+ books from Amazon. One day I found out, most of these books are available for free from a library or online resources! Now I always google before hitting the "Buy now with 1-click" button, and hence this is the result of my search.

So this is one of the book I read last year that changed my world view. You can find it here. The second book from Dr. Harari, Homo Deus, is also available now on Amazon. Nonetheless, Enjoy his first book!